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This documentation describes version 1.03 of Springboard, copyright (c) 1998-2011 by Six Mile Creek Systems LLC.

For more information, see the Springboard web site at:

Please send bug reports, feature suggestions, and general comments via:

Use of Springboard is subject to acceptance of the following


  1. This software may be freely used for its intended purpose. You may not reverse-engineer it, attempt to bypass or modify its registration code, or use parts of it in other software. You may not redistribute it in any manner other than by linking to the Web page listed above.
  2. The Author makes no warranty as to the correct operation of the program or its fitness for any particular purpose.

Additional credits

Springboard contains the Graphics32 library, available at, and licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPL). All modifications made by Six Mile Creek Systems to the GraphicEx library are available at and

Springboard contains the GraphicEx library, available at, and licensed under the MPL. No modifications have been made by Six Mile Creek Systems.

The smooth-resizing algorithm is copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Anders Melander,, used with permission.  Source code is available from Anders.